Scam calls using NZSIS name

  • Posted October 01, 2021

We are aware of a cold call telephone scam from individuals claiming to be from the NZSIS, with the purpose of obtaining personal information or money.

The scammers use spoofing technology to make it look like they are calling from a particular number - in this case the public number for the NZSIS.

These calls are a variation on a well-known, long running scam where people are contacted by scammers purporting to be from an organisation, company or government agency.

If you are unsure if a call from the NZSIS is legitimate you can contact us on our public line 0800 747 224 to check.

NZSIS officers would never ask for money or your credit card information.

If you believe that you have been the target of a scam you can report it to Netsafe.(external link) 

The Netsafe website also has further information about dealing with cold call phone scams.(external link)