Statement from the Director of Security to accompany the release of the Sutch Papers

"The Office of the Ombudsmen has reviewed NZSIS records concerning William Ball Sutch and material recommended for release is being made public where possible. Some classified liaison service material cannot be disclosed because of its sensitivity. At the request of the Chief Ombudsman, the Service has provided a general description of the sensitive reporting. It is as follows:

  • Early accounts of Dr Sutch’s association with USSR-aligned individuals and organisations, derived by Western intelligence services from local sources; and
  • More recent reporting of historical information of Russian origin, documenting a long-standing association between the KGB and a New Zealand civil servant who very precisely (and uniquely) fitted Dr Sutch’s background and profile.

The relevant information was provided to the NZSIS in confidence, and the originator must give permission before it can be declassified and made public. Recently, for reasons of security, the originator declined to give this permission."

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