Intelligence collection work

We use a range of methods to collect intelligence from publicly available information to secret sources.

We seek to use the most effective method to obtain the necessary information we need, using the least intrusive method possible.

Due to the nature of national security issues and the fact that the type of people we investigate will usually try to hide their activities from authorities, we often need to operate with secrecy to obtain the detailed insights we need to understand the threat.

The main ways we gather intelligence are:

  • Human intelligence sources
  • Physical surveillance activities
  • Interception of communications
  • Covert technical surveillance and search
  • Data acquisition or access.

All of our work is undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Intelligence and Security Act 2017 and Ministerial Policy Statements.

We always use the least intrusive method necessary to progress our investigations and some collection methods require specific authorisations, such as intelligence warrants.

We are required to constantly consider and justify our actions to ensure they are necessary and proportionate to the nature of the national security threat posed.

We are also subject to robust oversight.