National Terrorism Threat Level

The national terrorism threat level states the likelihood of a terrorist attack occurring in New Zealand.

Current terrorism threat level


A terrorist attack is a realistic possibility.

The terrorism threat level shows the likelihood of an attack

Terrorism threat levels are a statement about the likelihood of a terrorist attack occurring. The New Zealand national terrorism threat level is set by the Director-General of Security on advice from the Combined Threat assessment Group (CTAG).

The national terrorism threat level is formally reviewed at least annually, but can change at any time based on the current intelligence picture. It takes into account the domestic terrorism context and relevant international threat factors.

CTAG assess threat levels by considering the current intent and capability of individuals or groups to undertake an act of terrorism.

Five terrorism threat levels


Likelihood assessment Threat level
Terrorist attack is expected EXTREME
Terrorist attack is assessed as highly likely HIGH
Terrorist attack is assessed as feasible and could well occur MEDIUM
Terrorist attack is assessed as a realistic possibility LOW
Terrorist attack is assessed as unlikely VERY LOW